If your game has a CRT monitor, you must remove it and install a 720p or better LCD, LED, or Plasma HD monitor (16 X 9 aspect ratio).
(Rear projection monitors used in Global VR motion games are compatible too.)
If your game has a Nytric USBI/O card (Need for Speed™ Underground & GT games) you will need to order a Nytric I/O Conversion Kit, Part Number 90634-01. (The kit contains a GVRI/O Mini PCB and Conversion Harness.)
Clean the cabinet and make sure everything is in good shape.
Swap the steering wheel for the new wheel with pre-installed buttons for firing the weapons; run the wires into the cabinet and connect. (This step is optional for games that will be operated only in Green Label Mode.)
If your game has a shifter, remove it and install a BOOST button in its place.
If your game has a card reader or card dispenser, you can remove it if desired (it will not be used).
Modify some control panel buttons by carefully prying off the lens so you can swap the lens and legend.
Swap the system computer for the new Redline Rampage computer.
Trim and install the cabinet artwork.
You can link up to four Redline Rampage games, even if they were converted from different games!